Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

Among the many known diseases, mostcervical osteochondrosisDiseases of the musculoskeletal system are common, which are mainly related to physical inactivity. In addition, such problems are inherent not only in the elderly but also in the young. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine occupies a special place among the pathologies that affect the musculoskeletal system. What is this disease? What threatens its owner? How does it manifest itself? Are there effective prevention and treatment measures?

Cervical osteochondrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic progressive disease, accompanied by deformity of the intervertebral discs. Requires immediate treatment to avoid irreversible pathological changes. Among the various forms of osteochondrosis, cervical pathology occupies the second place, second only to damage to the lumbar region.

Stages of the disease

The development of cervical osteochondrosis occurs in stages:

  • First stage. The intervertebral discs begin to collapse: cracks appear in the fibrous ring, the disc loses its strength and elasticity and becomes smaller in height. As a result, the nerve roots are compressed, which is accompanied by pain.
  • Second level. The destruction of the disc continues, leading to small flares of the spine. The sensations of pain intensify and become permanent. Head drop syndrome can occur, which is characterized by severe pain that forces the head to be held in a stable position.
  • Third stage. The fibrous ring is almost completely destroyed, which leads to protrusions and intervertebral hernia. In this case, the pain can be reduced, as there is no source of pain - cartilage tissue. But the pain syndrome does not disappear completely, as the nerve roots remain stinging. Possible violation of sensitivity, appearance of headache and dizziness, nausea, "back pain" in the throat.

In the first stage, the disease is successfully treated. In the second and third stages, irreversible changes take place. Therefore, it will not be possible to fully recover the body.

Causes of pathological changes

treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

The vertebrae in the cervical spine are the most mobile. They are small and have weak muscles. This structure of the vertebrae contributes to the development of degenerative disorders. In addition, the cervical region is saturated with nerves and blood vessels, damage to which not only causes unpleasant symptoms, but also causes serious complications.

The main factors that lead to the development of cervical osteochondrosis include:

  • sedentary life?
  • prolonged stay in the same position;
  • metabolic disorders.
  • salt deposits
  • poor diet.

The risk of developing the disease increases with:

  • hereditary predisposition?
  • old times;
  • neck injury
  • prolonged or regular hypothermia of the body.
  • hormonal imbalance
  • portliness;
  • autoimmune disease;
  • chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Symptoms of the disease

The development of cervical osteochondrosis is slow. The symptoms of the disease depend on the number of vertebrae affected, the degree of damage and the presence of nerve endings.

The main symptom of the pathology is the pain of varying intensity in the neck, which is transmitted to the back of the head, ears, shoulders, forearms, chest. They are strengthened by rotating the head and with the slightest physical exercise.

In addition to pain, with osteochondrosis of the cervix:

  • headache and heart pain occur.
  • dizzy;
  • darkens the eyes
  • hands and feet are numb.
  • sounds tinnitus.
  • the tongue grows numb.
  • visual acuity and hearing impair.
  • a sharp turn of the head causes loss of consciousness.
  • there is rapid fatigue.
  • coordination disorder.

Many syndromes of cervical osteochondrosis are known:

  • Radical - pinching of nerve endings leads to severe pain in the neck, radiating to the shoulders, arms, shoulders and lower back.
  • cardiac - the root of the pectoralis muscle or phrenic nerve is damaged, resulting in symptoms resembling a heart attack: prolonged pain in the chest area (does not disappear when taking nitroglycerin), which increases with movement and deep breathing.
  • vertebral artery - severe pain develops in the back of the head and temples.
  • Irritant-reflex - burning pain occurs in the neck area, radiating to the shoulders and chest area, aggravated by coughing and turning the head.

Possible complications

Osteochondrosis of the cervix can cause significant damage to the body. It is especially dangerous due to the fact that deformed vertebrae damage the nerve roots and blood vessels that carry blood to the brain. As a result, the brain does not receive the required amount of oxygen and nutrients, which can cause disability and even death, as cardiac activity and respiratory function are impaired.

If there is no necessary treatment, the disease can lead to a variety of complications: spinal artery syndrome, protrusion, herniated discs, stroke, cerebral ischemia. Cervical osteochondrosis often causes rhizopathy. In this case, growths are formed in the damaged vertebrae, due to which the body partially or completely loses sensitivity and mobility.

But the most dangerous compression of the spinal cord, leading to death.

Therefore, early treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is important, which will help avoid many problems.


diagnosis of cervical osteochondrosis

To confirm the diagnosis, the patient is referred for an organic examination:

  • x-ray?
  • dual scan?
  • ultrasound
  • computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.

Diagnostic measures will provide information about the location and extent of the damage.

First aid

In case the patient experiences unbearable pain, the painkillers (metamizole sodium, etc. ) will come to the rescue. If they can not get rid of the pain, then they resort to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, ibuprofen, nimesulide). But they can not be taken for a long time, as they have an adverse effect on the intestines.

Anesthetic ointments with a heating effect and a pepper plaster can effectively relieve pain.

If the patient's limbs become numb, massage and special exercises that activate blood circulation are recommended.

For edema, diuretics are taken.

But all of the above funds can only have a temporary effect. Therefore, you should not postpone the visit to the doctor to avoid complications.

Treatment methods

physiotherapy of cervical osteochondrosis

In order to successfully fight the disease, it is necessary:

  • relieve pain syndrome.
  • remove the swelling
  • restore blood flow
  • strengthening the muscular corset;
  • to improve tissue nutrition and ensure their regeneration.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis should be comprehensive and include:

  • drug treatment
  • physiotherapy;
  • physiotherapy exercises;
  • methods of alternative and traditional medicine;
  • diet.

Drug treatment includes:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs - relieve inflammation, relieve pain, activate blood circulation.
  • muscle relaxants - relief of muscle spasms.
  • chondroprotectors - cartilage tissue repair.
  • B vitamins - both oral and intramuscular administration are possible.

Physiotherapy procedures have an effective effect on osteochondrosis of the cervix:

  • magnetotherapy
  • electrophoresis?
  • water treatment?
  • paraffin treatment.

Effective help to fight the disease will be provided by non-traditional methods (osteopathy, homeopathy, reflexology, hirudotherapy), massage, manual therapy and special exercises. They stimulate blood circulation, relieve muscle tension, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body. But it is necessary to practice physiotherapy under the supervision of a specialist, otherwise you can get the opposite result.

In addition to (but not anti) medication, the use of folk remedies is recommended.

For 3-4 months, you must follow a strict diet:

  • waste products containing cholesterol: animal fats, fatty meats.
  • limiting the consumption of sugar, salt, flour products;
  • alcoholic beverages are excluded.


products for the prevention of osteochondrosis of Sheinrgo

An active lifestyle and weight loss are central to preventative measures. The diet that contains the necessary vitamins and minerals does not matter.

The sleeping mattress should be firm and the pillow low.

When working out, make sure you take breaks.

People who are prone to osteochondrosis should visit an orthopedist periodically.